Scaling your Application Infrastructure.

Last year around February-march we started to work on a new software development project and with the effort of our energetic and enthusiastic team-members we were able to deliver its first release around May-June and the process continues from that time. It did great business and within six months of its commencement, it’s business expanded in multiple states of the United States and created a huge client-base. This unexpected and unprecedented success definitely brought a smile on our face and …

MongoDB – Introduction to Replication and Sharding

Introduction MongoDB is a NoSQL, document-based and a general-purpose database built for modern applications. Being a document-based database, MongoDB stores data in JSON format which makes it more expressive than the traditional row/column model. Performance & Scalability For modern applications, now it is common to see rapid data growth and rapid adoption rates. One such example of rapid growth and rapid adoption rate can be considered from the popular multiplayer online game PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG). PUBG was fully released in …

Install Let’s Encrypt Wildcard SSL Certificate With Nginx

Secure a  Webite with Let’s Encrypt Wild card SSL Certificate Steps: 1. Install Let’s Encrypt on Ubuntu 16.04 server 2. Install Nginx 3. Setup DNS to serve all the subdomains 4. Obtaining wildcard ssl certificate from Let’s Encrypt 5. Configuring Nginx to serve wildcard subdomains 6. Test and restart Nginx Step1: Installing Let’s Encrypt on Ubuntu 16.04 server $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install python-certbot-nginx Step 2: Installing Nginx $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get …

jQuery is awesome!

So many frameworks around, giving the developers a way to organize and write code with greater precision. All of these frameworks help the programmer write components, interaction with other components, updating virtual DOM, create Single Page Applications and of course manage state, In fact there are many libraries around state management itself.  Appear so glamorous isn’t it? However it keeps on adding complexity as components, managing dependencies, it gets messier when one of the modules which has dependency on other …

Blockchain Demystified

A blockchain is a digital ledger of records represented by hash which is generated using some hashing algorithm like SHA 256. Blockchain is a chain of blocks where every block has a reference to previous block through a hash. In the figure above: T1, T2 etc are transactions or payload (transactions are also hashed) H(T1, T2) is the hash of child nodes   Any addition of record to the digital ledger requires approval of the network. For a block to be …

Write your first Vuejs app with Typescript

While there are so many Javascript frameworks are available , there is well known javascript progressive framework named as VueJS and it is getting huge popularity among developers because of its small size. The size of this framework is 18–21KB and it takes no time for the user to download and use it. You can compare it with others available frameworks on google. This blog is not about telling advantages of using vue but setting up your first vue project …

Currency to Crypto Currency & Block Chain – Part 1

What is Money?   Origin – Barter System Tom is a vegetable farmer and Amy is a poultry farm owner, if Tom needs chickens or eggs and if Amy needs vegetables and if both of them have in excess of what they need for themselves then they can trade between each other, now for the trade to happen, they would establish an exchange rate, for example 2 chickens = 5 sacks of potato. However, if at a later time and for …

Over Engineering in Software Application Development

Software business application development is about understanding the the best practices around data management. In my opinion the application development should be around understanding the   Core business needs Robust yet simple application implementation approach/architecture   It is understandable that requirements can at times not be made available completely in the early stages of project initiation, however getting the most of it is essential for a project to be successful in the long run and avoid adding huge functionalities as …

Why OpportunityDealer.Com?

There are so many lead generation websites, so many online platforms which give you prospective leads but the intrinsic problem associated with all of these approaches is that you seldom get the matching lead. It is very difficult to get the lead or business contact in real time. There is a number of cycles involved, send message, check their interest, even after getting responses one cannot be sure that you can consider the lead as qualified. This is where we …


What is Sequelize? Sequelize is a javascript library used in NodeJS as ORM to access relational database schemas as objects.  The library is written entirely in Javascript to be used in NodeJS environment.   Features Sequelize is used in NodeJS and is available via npm. Sequelize is an ORM (Object Relational Mapper) It provides easy access to various databases like MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, or PostgreSQL. It has good support for database synchronization, eager loading, associations, transactions and migrations. It is …