It’s fun to use Vue 3 without NodeJS, CLI, NPM, or Webpack! Simple and Easy! Let’s see what needs to be done to use vue-simple-calendar ( Add the following reference to index.html: (download from <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”assets/css/style.css” /> <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”assets/css/default.css” /> <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”assets/css/holidays-us.css” /> <script src=”” ></script> Add the references to your component as shown below: const Home = { components: { “calendar-view”: window.CalendarView.CalendarView, “calendar-view-header”: window.CalendarView.CalendarViewHeader }, setup() { const showDate = ref(new Date(‘3/15/2021’)); const setShowDate = (d) => { console.log(“Called!! “, d) showDate.value = d; } return { name: “Hi Agami”, showDate, setShowDate }; }, template: html` <div> <h1>{{ name }}</h1> <calendar-view :show-date=”showDate” class=”theme-default holiday-us-traditional holiday-us-official”> <template #header=”{ headerProps }”> <calendar-view-header :header-props=”headerProps” @input=”setShowDate” /> </template> </calendar-view> </div> <h2>Ends Here</h2> `, }; export default Home; That’s …
What is PWA ?
PWA stands for Progressive Web Application. PWA is basically a website that runs on your mobile browser. But when you see the UI, it is similar to any app. Normally, when you want to create an app, you have to develop apps for different platforms. Like making apps for the IOS platform and putting them in the app store Or make an app for Android and put it on google play, Similarly, make an app for windows then put it …
An Introduction of MongoDB Association
“When we create a large application with database then we need to understand how the collection are associated with each other and will be crucial ensuring that the application functions work properly.“ So, before proceeding, let us talk about an association? An association shows a relationship between two entity object’s base on common attributes. In a general term, we can say the association is a relationship between models. I hope you already know about the related terms. So let’s do …
All About GIT:
As promised I am here with my next blog! So, let us begin our learning without wasting even a single second. 🙂 Working in the IT Industry, we might be very familiar with the term ‘GIT’ but what exactly is a GIT Repository?? So, here is the answer! GIT Repositories contains a collection of files of various different versions of the project. A VCS or the Version Control System is used to create these versions and store them in a …
Why Test Automation? An Introduction to Selenium!
“As ironic as it seems, the challenge of a QA Engineer is to test as little as possible. Test less, but test smarter!” So, let me ask you people a question: Is the above statement even possible with reference to Manual Testing? Is it? Okay, I heard you saying, Not Possible 🙂 Then, what else could be done? Is Test Automation the alternative? Let us find the answer to this question! Why Automation Testing? We already know from the previous …
Continue reading Why Test Automation? An Introduction to Selenium!
“Want to boost your knowledge about Manual Testing? Here are the key points that are sure to help.!” Let’s start with the definition of Manual Testing: It’s the testing of the functionalities of an application repeatedly again and again MANUALLY in order to find defects to ultimately meet the customer’s requirement. POINT TO NOTE: In the above definition, we came across two terminologies that form the base of Manual Testing, Functionality & Requirement. Let us understand both terms:- Functionality: It …
Barebone Automated Testing
Minimalism in automated testing can be attained by following KISS (Keep it Simple Stupid) Most of the times, in the process of making the code and application testable, the code written for testing is dependent on very heavy libraries, don’t get me wrong, these are good libraries however every aspect of it is not needed and introducing it in the code results in slowing the process considerably. So how do we make our testing efficient? Test the server-side API/routes using …
First of all, let’s go through the high-level definition of Agile Methodology. Agile says that shift the product incrementally every few days instead of waiting for the whole project to get complete & then release. Agile has releases on a regular basis. EPIC AND USER STORY are the two basic terms of Agile Methodology. EPIC Epic is a large work item. It cannot be delivered within a single iteration or it’s large enough that it can be split into smaller …
Cool JavaScript Framework – Alpine.js
Alpine.js offers you the reactive and declarative nature of big frameworks like Vue or React at a much lower cost. This tool’s syntax is almost entirely borrowed from Vue (and by extension Angular). Alpine roots from server-rendered-app background. Alpine fills a hole in between Vanilla JS/JQuery and large frameworks like Vue/React. The complexity/overhead of Vue/React etc. doesn’t justify its value in a lot of cases. A number of times we just need to add bindings and simple interactions to server-rendered …
{ REST : API }
Let us suppose we have a server that is hosting the information about the student. If a client, say a web/android app needs the information regarding the student, then the client must request the server for the resource and the server should send back the response to the client. API is the acronym for Application Programming Interface which allows clients and servers to talk to each other. Key Elements Request URL/Endpoint: Request URL is the address of the resource where …